Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Girly Louis Ghosts

The Philippe Starck Louis Ghost chairs for Kartell have got to be one of my favourite chairs ever. I have four transparent ones in my kitchen and they look fab. As Lucia Van Der Post says, they take up no "visual space" and so they're perfect for a small room. Anyway, they now come in Barbie, which I think is uber cute.

For sale with and others.

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Shoe Stories

Have you heard about the Selfridges shoe story competition? Tell them your shoe story on the website and you could be in with the chance of winning a whole load of new shoes. Exciting stuff. Of course I wanted to write a poem, but the nasty site wouldn't let me put in line breaks. Anyway, here it is:

The day I failed my exams, or 'The death of the black shoes'

On the day I found out that I had failed my neuroscience exam
I was supposed to be going to a celebratory party:
A garden party
With all the other neuroscience students.
Obviously that was now out of the question.
No one else had failed the exam.
Just me.
And drinking alone is a new level of pathetic
I didn’t think I’d quite reached.
So I looked at the board one last time,
(Just to check candidate number 143
was where I expected it, between 142 and 144 and not somewhere else
like after 167 or 95)
Then sighed
And went straight to Topshop.
I bought a pair of pink high heels with a big pink bow
In soft fake leather with a 10% student discount,
Threw my boring black neuroscience shoes in the bin,
Put the pink shoes on.
And went to the garden party.

NB this is a true story. When I came back
for another year of neuroscience
the following September
I wished I hadn’t thrown the boring black shoes away.

Monday, 27 September 2010

New Gossip Girl

I'm so excited that Gossip Girl is back! And its come back stronger than ever. If you're not already a devotee, start watching right now! Its a fashion inspiration.

Ode to Liberty London Girl

I wrote this for Liberty London Girl on her website but I thought for completeness I'd put it on here too.
Hope you like it!

She travels, searching, cross the lands,
And diarises it by hand,
With prose inspired unfailingly,
By style and food, with repartee,
Today she’s offering a gift,
A fashion raft to those adrift.
Her generosity is like a gun,
That’s knocked us down and left us stunned.
Getting to our feet again we ask:
“The cashmere sweater, pretty please*?”
(And beg and grovel on our knees)
Plead cashflow failure, baby’s crying,
Or explain the cat is dying,
In the hope that she will see
The truly needy one is me.
But thank you Sasha even if
We do not win. (Boo hoo! Sniff Sniff!)
For you have brought us fashion week
Lovely snaps, a great sneak peek,
With life laid open, nearly bare,
She tossed her hair, and took us there

Natasha Law Artwork

Has anyone heard of Natasha Law before? I saw some truly gorgeous artwork of hers for sale on the Matches online site (of all places) and googled the artist to find out where she'd appeared from.

Well, it turns out she is the sister of the fabulous Jude and has done a lot of artwork which you're probably already familiar with.. eg the drawings in the girly bible 'How to Walk in High Heels'

Time to start saving.. Prints are £250 at and originals are in the £3.5k region.

Erdem Competition

The London uber boutique Matches held a competition for tickets to their London Fashion week party for Erdem, and were kind enough to name my little poem the winner. See the full article here

or, if you're feeling lazy here's a repeat:

There is a place, in London city,
Where young and bold, the fair and pretty
Do travel hence to find a dress
That wraps them in a sweet caress, and speaks:
"No need to ask the mirror now,
You are the fairest, and this is how,
I'm made of fabrics rich and glorious,
Cut insightful and victorious,
That does do justice to thine eyes, thine hair, thine sense of style.”
Oh sweet find! this little gem,
Constructed by the prince Erdem.
Its vivid brilliance stands out like sin,
Amongst the garments gathered within
A shop. Unparalleled, this beacon stands,
Its vestments revered through countless lands,
‘Matches, Matches” Richmond breathes in soft moan,
‘Oh Matches” echo Notting Hill and Marylebone.
For you I would travel through both wind and time,
To purchase this fine dress divine.

Delectable Erdem SS11 catwalk